‘The Girls at the Back is a Spanish comedy-drama series that has just recently arrived in the Netflix catalog-it’s available for free on the Youcine apk-and it’s the kind of tip for those who are looking for something new to marathon and also who enjoy Spanish productions.
In the series, we see the story of five friends who go on vacation together to fulfill several very crazy last wishes, after discovering that one of them has cancer. ‘The Girls at the Back has 6 episodes and is available for free to watch on the free apk Youcine, just download it on your android , TV Box or Smart TV and check it out!
The production is the brainchild of Daniel Sánchez Arévalo, a renowned Spanish filmmaker, who worked on the series six to seven years before its premiere. This is the first time he is the mastermind behind a series rather than a film. Very much accustomed to the format and time constraints of a film, Arévalo initially struggled between the time constraints and the eagerness to explore the characters.
Arévalo then soon realized that the story he was embarking on was better suited for a show than a film, and apparently it was easier on his mindset and creative process. You can tell that his plots tend to be dramatic. However, he always finds a way to find moments of joy throughout the tale and hopes to save the characters. Arévalo’s approach to ‘The Girls at the Back is similar, and the emotional ups and downs that the characters go through force the viewer to sympathize with their situations.
One of the reasons behind the goal to focus on women in this series was Arévalo’s tendency to do the opposite in his previous projects. None of his five feature films before ‘The Girls at the Back were around a female protagonist.
The director needed to step out of his comfort zone and try an artistic challenge. This resulted in the creation of the series, which has five distinctive female characters, each with their own peculiarities and backgrounds, all connected by very happy childhood memories.
The cast is made up of some very talented performers, especially the five female leads who had a bit of fame before their time on the show, but were not as well known to the general public.
Arévalo believed that it was apparently just the right amount of famous people, as the actors did not camouflage the real message of the series, and the characters would be perceived as intended. The actors were very excited to be part of the project and did their best to bring the characters to life. To download free movies and series, look for the Youcine apk. You will love it!
Even though there may have been some initial reluctance to shave their heads, Mariona Terés and others soon became comfortable with their new hairstyle and enjoyed the filming process.
Regardless of being a fictional story, ‘The Girls at the Back uses several real-life elements to bring the story to life. The bonds of female friendship shown in the show are enjoyable. Also, any friction between the characters tends to add realism and proves that no friendship survives without a lot of conflict.
The series’ discussion of cancer and its impact on the patient and her loved ones was explored in detail and with great respect.
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